Investing on your own house and lot as early as now gives you the advantage of time. As property value appreciates or increases overtime, you get to have high return for your investment. To many, investing on a house and lot may sound easy. However, for most first time buyers, buying an affordable house and lot is not exactly an easy process. To help you on your investment journey, BRIA Homes the fastest-growing mass housing developer in Philippines have more than 50 projects nationwide you can choose from. Offering a series of house models that cater to your specific needs and budget. Bria Homes also provide home buyers a flexible and longer financing terms through Pag Ibig housing loan and bank loans.
To make it more exciting Bria Homes is extending its Pag Ibig financing loan promo for your housing loan until February 28, 2021!
You can now avail a Pag Ibig housing loan in any of our project locations and house models. Unlike before where you can only apply for our socialized house models, the Pag Ibig financing loan promo allows you to apply for our economic house models as well.
The following economic Bria house models are now included for the Pag Ibig housing loan.

1. Alecza house model
Our Alecza model is a single-firewall unit that has 2 bedroom and a carport, best for those who want a simple but big space.

2. Bettina house model
Bettina model is our 2-storey house model perfect for those who want to have an elevated house at a reasonable price.

3. Thalia house model
Thalia model is our premium unit that caters to homeowners who want to go big.
With the help and assistance of Pag Ibig housing loan, you can choose any of the mentioned house model and have your very own affordable house and lot too. Even low or middle-income Filipino earners can afford to build or buy their own homes. As Pag Ibig housing loans are known for their low interest rates and flexible paying terms. Combined with their longer fixing periods and lower processing fees, this is an attractive option for those looking to make a wise investment in a house and lot.
Bria Homes offers Pag Ibig financing loan to Bria homebuyers as their home loan institution when they reserve any Bria house and lot model in any Bria Home’s projects nationwide. So don’t miss the chance to grab our extended Pag Ibig housing loan promo until February 28, 2021! Purchase and invest on your affordable house and lot now with Bria Homes!
BRIA Homes is a subsidiary of GOLDEN MV Holdings, Inc., one of the largest real estate companies in the country. BRIA Homes is primed to bring quality and affordable house and lot packages and condominium units close to ordinary Filipino families. This is the goal that drives every single employee in the company, for which the ultimate fulfilment is seeing a client happily moving into BRIA’s homes.
To know more, visit their website at, like and follow “Bria Homes, Inc.” On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest, Spotify, Viber Community, Telegram Channel, Kakao Talk, LINE and WhatsApp, or call 0939-887-9637.