There are different reasons why people choose to volunteer in environmental organizations. For some, it is because they want to support the cause that they believe in or they just feel passionate about it. Others do it out of curiosity or because of the excitement and adventure it brings. There are also a few who volunteer to gain valuable experience that they may use to ace that dream job or role they have been aspiring for.
Regardless of your reason for volunteering, the experience is definitely worthwhile. For as long as you have the genuine interest with what the organization is aiming to achieve, passion in what you do, and motivation to work for a good cause, you can be able to create a huge impact on the world.
What is environmental volunteering?
Environmental volunteering consists of activities such as environmental monitoring, ecological restoration, and educating other people about the natural environment. Environmental volunteers participate in community-based projects for the benefit of the local community and visitors.
What are the benefits of environmental volunteering?
Environmental volunteering provides the opportunity to meet new people and travel to different places with a purpose. Environmental volunteering will help you:
- Learn new and useful skills
- Gain practical experience in the field
- Develop leadership and teamwork skills
- Explore a career by finding a volunteer position in your field of study
- Create a positive impression among future employers. Your CV will demonstrate that you are flexible and committed to a cause or belief
- Get a chance to do things you would never do in a regular job
- Have the opportunity to work in places you may not otherwise have a chance to visit
- Feel personal satisfaction from helping others achieve their objectives
- Get fit and improve your overall health
- Become exposed to culture sensitivity and cross-cultural learning experiences
- Make new friends and meet other like-minded individuals
- Learn a new language or improve your current language skills
- Have the chance to delve into new foods, music and textiles
- Experience unspoilt nature and see great wildlife spectacles
- Participate in the very project that your money is supporting
- Extend help to local people to earn a living from areas that have been set aside for ecological protection
- Increase the emotional bond between yourself and nature
- Encourage personal development
How can you help an environmental organization?
Do you think of volunteering in environmental projects? Do you want to be part of an environmental organization?
Joining an environmental group means you will be joining people who don’t just think like you but have also worked some time for the cause. You can help them and be part of their team while learning also from their experiences. It may seem intimidating at first but like all organizational teams, they are in need of help too.
In volunteering for an environmental organization, all you need to do is to share your time, energy, skills, and passion for what you do, and of course, for the environment.

Here are some simple ways on how you can join an environmental organization.
1. Attend an environmental event
There are a lot of events that are being organized by different environmental groups and organizations. There are trainings, seminars, fundraisers, clean-ups, and more. If you want to join any of these events, you may inquire with these environmental organizations as to which type of events they host, and how you can participate and help.
2. Offer your skill
If you are a professional and would want to engage yourself in volunteer work for the environment, remember that it is not yet too late for you to start. You can send an email or attend any environmental event and tell the organizers about your willingness to help them. You can also try setting up a meeting with them to discuss how you can apply your skill with the organization, what the scope can be, and for how long you can extend the services to them.
3. Inquire about current and upcoming projects
Environmental organizations have different programs and activities. Some have regular coastal clean ups, others have seasonal projects like tree plantings. Regardless of the focus of the project, inquire about the organization’s existing and future projects so that you can check and schedule your assistance.
4. Offer long-term support on an annual or monthly basis
Check if the organization is accepting members. If it does, then apply to become a member. Extend help by helping the organization get more donors or you can also donate for the cause.
Instead of spending your money on buying coffee every Monday, why not dedicate that money to an organization that you support and give it on a monthly basis. You can also save regularly and donate the entire amount to the organization of your choice at the end of the year.
There are a lot of ways to join an environmental organization. It is just a matter of your willingness to participate, commitment to help, and passion to create an impact that would get you there.
If you want to be part of an environmental organization but haven’t started yet, we have shortlisted different local environmental organizations you can help.
1. Greenpeace Philippines

Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, protect and conserve the environment, and promote peace.
Their main goal is to protect natural resources and expose environmental threats. Aside from promoting ecological farming, this volunteer-based group also holds campaigns against land, air, and water pollution.
Some of Greenpeace Philippines volunteers include activists, interns, cyberactivists, and local group members.
2. Mother Earth Foundation

Mother Earth Foundation is an NGO which seeks to raise the level of public awareness on environmental issues and mobilize people to act positively on the resolution of these issues.
It is an active member of Eco Waste Coalition, GAIA (Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives), PNCC (Philippine Network for Climate Change), Partnership for Clean Air, ZWIA (Zero Waste International Alliance)and IPEN (International POPs Elimination Network).
Mother Earth Foundation is known for lobbying for the passage of the Clean Air Act and the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. They were instrumental in changing the title from “Integrated” to “Ecological”.
3. GreenEarth Heritage Foundation, Inc.

GreenEarth Heritage Foundation is a holistic Christian organization which aims to preserve the environment, adhere to sound and sustainable agricultural practices and assist in alleviation of poverty through livelihood and community development. It is their vision to be the first internationally-certified center of excellence in organic agriculture in the country with a holistic community development mission.
4. Save Philippine Seas

Save Philippine Seas is a movement to conserve the country’s coastal and marine resources by empowering Filipinos towards collective action and behavior change. It began as a social media campaign in 2011 as a response to an illegal wildlife trade case.
Their projects and campaigns include shark conservation, community empowerment, and environmental education.
You can sign up as a volunteer through their website, donate to their campaigns and projects, and help promote their advocacies by sharing or retweeting their posts on social media.
5. Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines

Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines (MWWP) began as a Facebook page in December 2009. It was primarily designed to be an outlet for knowledge and information on marine wildlife in the Philippines, particularly the mysterious and interesting marine animals like dolphins, whales, dugong, marine turtles, sharks, and rays. The Facebook page served as an information hub that contained news, videos, pictures, and other information related to marine wildlife in the Philippines.
In a span of two years, the Facebook page gained considerable support from its followers. Thus, MWWP was registered under the name Marine Wild Fauna Watch of the Philippines, a non-profit, non-stock, conservation organization under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on September 13, 2010.
Since then, MWWP has been involved in various projects and activities that aim for a better appreciation of the marine environment, its ecological processes, and how it affects us all in the local context.
Marine Wildlife Watch of the Philippines is encouraging you to help protect our sea friends by reporting any illegal trading and capture of protected marine wildlife through their Facebook page.
6. Waves for Water Philippines

Waves For Water’s philosophy is rooted in one simple idea: “do what you love and help along the way.” It’s about following our hearts and plugging purpose into our passions. The said organization encourages people to look at aid work or humanitarianism as a way of life, rather than just a way to “give back”.
Waves for Water’s purpose is to provide access to clean water, for everyone that needs it. There are a lot of ways you can help Waves for Water Philippines. You can either get a supply of water filters and bring them to a community, start a fundraiser, or donate to an existing one to mobilize a project for the said organization.
7. Philippine Native Plants Conservation Society

The Philippine Native Plants Conservation Society (PNPCSI) is a non-stock, non-profit organization which is devoted to the conservation of indigenous Philippine plants and their natural habitats.
The organization is made up of individuals from the academe, non-governmental organizations, government agencies, plant enthusiast/hobbyist groups, garden clubs, and horticulture groups. PNPCSI members advocate for the appreciation, study, and conservation of all Philippine native plant species and their habitats.
PNPCSI is a member of the Rain Forest Restoration Initiative which focuses on rehabilitating degraded landscapes and negotiating with forest-dependent communities to come up with other sources of livelihood.
8. Earth Island Institute

Earth Island Institute is an international environmental organization that promotes awareness, grassroots environmentalism and activism for the protection, conservation and restoration of nature.
It was founded in San Francisco, USA in 1982 by well-known American environmentalist David Brower.
Earth Island Institute grows environmental leadership through education and activism. The organization’s projects, publications, and initiatives support the biological and cultural diversity that sustain the environment.
9. World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines

WWF-Philippines has been working as a national organization of the WWF network since 1997.
As the 26th national organization in the network, WWF-Philippines has successfully been implementing various conservation projects to help protect some of the most biologically-significant ecosystems in Asia.
WWF-Philippines works to improve Filipino lives by crafting solutions to climate change, providing sustainable livelihood programs, and conserving the country’s richest marine and land habitats.
10. Villar SIPAG

Villar SIPAG is a non-stock, non-profit organization established in 1995 with social responsibility as its guiding principle.
Over the years, Villar SIPAG’s advocacies and beneficiaries have expanded and diversified in order to reach more people and sectors of the society. These include the poor and underprivileged, OFWs and their families, the youth, women, the church, and the environment, among others.
Villar SIPAG’s programs and projects include (but are not limited to) nutrition caravan (regular feeding programs for school children), medical and dental missions, tree-planting, river rehabilitation program, religious projects such as building of churches, repatriation of distressed OFWs, livelihood and entrepreneurship.
There are various environmental projects that you can participate in and a number of organizations you can join if you really want to become an environmental volunteer. But did you know that aside from the actual environmental activities, you may also take part in virtual environmental projects such as BRIA Homes’ Virtual Plantahanan 2021, a virtual tree-planting activity that will be participated in by 22 BRIA Homes communities this June 30, 2021.
BRIA Homes is a subsidiary of GOLDEN MV Holdings, Inc., one of the largest real estate companies in the country. BRIA Homes is primed to bring quality and affordable house and lot packages and condominium units closer to ordinary Filipino families. This is the goal that drives every single employee in the company, for which the ultimate fulfillment is seeing a client happily moving into BRIA homes.
To know more, visit their website at, like and follow “Bria Homes, Inc.” on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Spotify, Viber Community, Telegram Channel, Kakao Talk, LINE and WhatsApp, or call 0939-887-9637.