Do’s and Don’ts in Decorating Your Home According to Feng Shui


The meaning of feng shui can be broken down into the Chinese words “feng,” which means wind, and “shui,” which means water. Its concept is based on a Chinese ancient poem about human life being connected to and flowing energy within its surroundings. Moreover, Feng Shui is defined “as the practice of arranging objects in living spaces to create a harmonic balance with the natural world”. This is what feng shui defines what your house layout entails. The goal is to harness energy forces and create harmony between a person and their surroundings. Furthermore, Feng shui is based on the Taoist concept of chi, or the life force that pervades everything. Chi is composed of both yin (female) and yang (male) elements. These are opposing but complementary forces that are inextricably linked.

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In incorporating the concept of Feng Shui into our house design, it is important to consider the elements present in your surroundings. Examine the corresponding elements in those rooms and bring in feng shui items that match them. The goal is to bring positive energy into those rooms, areas of your life, and, eventually, your entire home. Moreover, these elements are five interconnected life phases that work together to form a complete system. When you feng shui your home, you usually balance these five elements. The simplest way to alter a room’s feng shui is to add or remove one of the five elements, which are wood, fire, earth, water, and metal:

  • Wood – Wood harnesses the power of growth and creativity. This element can be represented by trees, plants, or other green objects.
  • Fire – The most potent element is fire. It channels passion, energy, expansion, bravery, and transformation. To bring the fire into a room, use candles or the color red.
  • Earth – Earth represents strength and stability. Use rocks, carpets, old books, and anything brown or tan to incorporate the earth element.
  • Water – Water is associated with feelings and inspiration. This element can be represented by water features, such as an aquarium, or by blue-colored items.
  • Metal – Metal brings focus and order to the elements by uniting them. Use metal, white, silver, or gray colored objects.

Now, since many feng shui rules concern which items should be placed near or far away from doors and windows as chi can enter and exit through those openings. To the uninitiated, feng shui may appear esoteric, but if you investigate the philosophy behind it, you will discover that it is not only based on simple common-sense practices that make our homes healthier and more organized, but it also reveals how connected we are to our homes and how they can affect our mood and well-being. Now, here is a list of Do’s in Don’ts design and practices tips that will give your house a positive Feng Shui.

Do Have an Attractive Entrance

One of the first considerations in achieving a feng shui house design is the entrance of the chi flowing, which is our doors. The first things you or your visitors see when they enter your home set the tone for the rest of their visit. A welcoming entrance to your home or office will attract good chi, or energy. If you can arrange your front door to face your overall harmony, great prosperity, or auspicious direction, that would be ideal. Because all energy enters through your front door; it is critical to keep objects away from the door so that it can open freely.

You can also use wind chimes made of wood or metal to help deflect the energy. To be effective, the chimes must be hollow, and the Ba Gua must be placed on the outside of the house. Having a mirrored Ba Gua in your home is unlucky.

Do Close Bathroom Doors

“A sanctuary, a temple dedicated to self-care and pampering your body and mind.” That is the fundamental concept of feng shui in the bathroom, and why it is so important. Many people are concerned about their bathrooms when it comes to feng shui. The basic idea is that water is constantly flowing inside your home. We do not want wealth to be flushed away because water is a symbol of wealth. Though water does return after draining, it is best to always keep the toilet seat cover down. Also, Close the bathroom door to lessen the effect.

Do Place Mirrors on Distant Walls

Mirrors have many special properties in Feng Shui. It can double or multiply an area’s energy. It can reflect incoming energy. It can also disperse the incoming energy around it. Mirrors should be used with caution due to their abilities. Water features and other objects should sometimes be treated similarly because they have similar reflective properties. A mirror’s purpose is to reflect good energy, so placing one in this location will “push away” positive energy that is attempting to enter your home. Place the mirror to the side or against a distant wall instead.

Mirrors are ideal for use in the dining room as well as in narrow stairwells and hallways. However, where they are placed is critical. Mirrors in the dining room, for example, should not face the kitchen stove or the window, and mirrors in long hallways should not face each other.

Do Get Rid of Bad Odors

A clean home encourages good feng shui. Even a clean house with unpleasant odors will have poor feng shui. Never attempt to mask odors. Instead, seek to identify the source of the odors so that they can be eliminated. Water leaks, sewage problems, pet urine, old air conditioner filters, moldy air ducts, and insufficient air flow are common causes of odors. On a regular basis, every home should be completely aired out. Houses that are never aired out retain musty odors, which lowers your home’s feng shui and presses down the good energy to flow within.

Do Add Natural Elements

There are overarching rules in Feng Shui practice, and the calculations really depend on your exact home design. It turns out that positioning specific plants can bring good feelings and luck while dispelling negative vibes. Plants emit harmonious energy simply by being alive. If you have ever wondered why plant-filled spaces make you happy, this could be the reason. Plants can also soften hard angles in your home and evoke the feeling of being in nature, where everything has more curves and softness.

Furthermore, since air is essential to the meaning of feng shui, it must be allowed in. Natural light and air will bring in positive energy and rejuvenation.

Do Fix Broken Items

Looking at a damaged item daily will make you feel broken or beyond repair. So,    When it comes to feng shui home designs, damaged items are bad, but broken ones are even worse. Broken things are synonymous with not having money and having less financial energy. Also, Broken objects in your home can become impediments in your life causing stress that holds you back. According to Feng Shui experts, if something is broken and you set it aside to be fixed, but it is still sitting in the same place three years later, toss it.

That broken doorbell you have been have been meaning to fix could prevent you from receiving a visit from something or someone amazing.

Do Remove TV in Bedroom

Watching television is a terrific way to unwind. But never in the bedroom. This is because it detracts from space’s two main goals, which are to heal the body (by sleeping) and to build relationships (passion). After you have disguised or relocated your flat screen, scan the room for other potential distractions.

In addition, a television in the bedroom also serves as a mirror when turned off. You think about it. If you already have one, the best way to protect it is to cover it every night when not in use.

Do Not Display Artwork with Wrong Message

Art, according to Feng Shui experts, is an extension of who we are or what we desire in life, so it is critical to be strategic about what you place in your home. Avoid singular object images if you are single and looking for a partner, for example. Another crucial factor to consider is choosing items that contribute to the overall vitality of space. Look for anything that makes you happy or makes you smile.

Do Not Clutter

Clutter should not be allowed to accumulate anywhere. People have a habit of leaving things on the floor as a reminder to get rid of them, with the good intention of taking them away. But have you ever noticed that even you leave it there because you are in a hurry and will do it later? Later becomes days later. This is detrimental to the subconscious mind. It is there when you return home, and due to the rush, it remains there. If you want good feng shui in your home design, getting rid of these items should be your priority. A clutter-free home, filled with only the things you genuinely love or use daily, allows positive energy to flow freely.

Do Not Keep Expired Food

In Feng Shui house layouts, the kitchen is regarded as a source of both wealth and health. Because your health is your wealth, this is an area you should prioritize. Before replenishing, clear out old food and clean the refrigerator shelves, produce bin, and meat drawer. Moreover, to revitalize the kitchen space, clear out the pantry of expired food, spices, and anything else. Spices, in particular, are prone to being stored for far too long, necessitating a new collection.

Do Not Keep Sharp Things

Sharp objects disrupt the energy balance that Feng Shui seeks to achieve. As a result, it’s best to avoid getting them. Animal horns, exposed knives, spiky chandeliers, protruding objects, platform beds with sharp edges, furniture placed in such a way that you keep banging your toe or thigh, heavy objects above the bed or sofa, and empty corners are just a few examples. Corners in your home should be hidden in feng shui, so place an object, a piece of furniture, or a plant in front of them to mask their “cutting” energy. If you have a square or rectangular table in your dining room, for example, it is best to cover it with a tablecloth.

Do Not Keep Items with Negative Associations

The goal of feng shui is to improve one’s well-being by surrounding oneself with positive energy. Keeping things around that remind you of terrible things every time you see them does not contribute to the overall positive vibe of your home. So, if you have crutches from a skiing accident stashed in the back of your closet, you should get rid of them right away.

Keeping valuables that evoke pleasant memories in a box or chest, on the other hand, is a good idea.

Do Not Clutter Things under Bed

You want chi energy to flow freely around your bed while you sleep. This means that your body is properly energized while you sleep. Stuffing assorted items beneath your bed blocks the flow of chi energy. Trying to sleep with shoes or boxes of clothes under the bed means you’ll have a restless night. Also, using the space beneath the bed is considered clutter. To avoid this, keep the storage under your bed organized so that it is not just a jumble of scattered objects tossed under the bed. Neat storage may mitigate some of the negative feng shui effects associated with storing items under your bed.

Do Not Display Negative Symbols

On a daily basis, we are bombarded with symbolism. Symbolism guides us in everything we do, from literature to traffic signs to movies. It’s heightened in our homes because we’re creating these intimate environments that frequently represent our fears and challenges. Examine your life challenges and try to determine whether they are manifesting symbolically in your space. Replace the symbols with the items you want to attract.