Grow your own lettuce with hydroponics at home

Lettuce grown hydroponically

In the Philippines, growing lettuce in hydroponics at home is an excellent way to have an abundance of fresh, pesticide-free lettuce all year long. In a technique called hydroponics, plants are grown in nutrient-rich water solutions without the use of soil. Due to its effectiveness and capacity to produce high-quality lettuce with quicker growth rates than conventional soil-based approaches, hydroponics is an increasingly popular method for cultivating lettuce. Lettuce plants are often cultivated in hydroponic systems in channels or containers that are filled with inert mediums of growth like perlite, coconut coir, or vermiculite. These materials support the plants while enabling nutrient solutions to circulate around their roots.

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Here are some of the basic step-by-step guide to take into account on how to grow lettuce at home in a hydroponics system or water.

1. Choose a lettuce variety

It’s important that you consider local climate and growth conditions into consideration while growing lettuce in hydroponics at home. The following lettuce types are suitable for hydroponic farming in the Philippines:

1. Salanova Lettuce

Due to its small size, rapid growth, and excellent yields, Salanova lettuce, a relatively new type of lettuce, is becoming more and more popular in hydroponic systems. It comes in a variety of shades, including green and red, and creates lightweight, thick heads with crisp leaves. Salanova lettuce is a superb option for hydroponic gardeners in the Philippines where temperatures may get high because of its exceptional flavor and resilience to withering.

2. Butterhead Lettuce

In the Philippines, butterhead  lettuce varieties like Bibb or Boston may also be grown hydroponically. It has delicate leaves that grow into loose heads, and salad lovers adore its mild, sweet flavor. Because of their high heat tolerance, butterhead lettuce types like “Manoa” and “Buttercrunch” are ideal for the warm environment of the Philippines.

3. Looseleaf Lettuce

Known for their loose clusters of leaves, looseleaf lettuce varieties like Green Leaf or Red Leaf lettuce thrive in hydroponic systems. They may be harvested by just removing the outer leaves while leaving the inner leaves to continue growing. They are often more heat-tolerant than other lettuce varieties. They are a well-liked ingredient for salads and sandwiches since they have a moderate flavor and come in a variety of colors.

4. Batavia Lettuce

Heat-tolerant Batavia lettuce, sometimes referred to as Summer Crisp lettuce, can thrive in hydroponic systems in the Philippines. It occurs in green or red variants and has crisp, slightly crinkled leaves. Because it can withstand warm temperatures and is recognized for not bolting, Batavia lettuce is a good choice for  hydroponic production in tropical settings.

5. Romain Lettuce

Commonly known as cos lettuce, may be grown hydroponically, however it may need extra care to avoid bolting in hot weather. Some heat-tolerant varieties, like as “Green Towers” or “Outredgeous,” on the other hand, may thrive in hydroponic systems and provide towering heads with crisp leaves and a little bitter flavor.

2. Prepare hydroponic container

You will require a container that can house the lettuce plants, store water, and remain durable. Depending on the size of your lettuce plants, you may use a mason jar, a bucket, or a plastic container. Ensure that the container is clean and debris-free. You may make a floating raft system for growing lettuce from seeds by cutting a piece of Styrofoam or foam insulation board to suit the container, floating it on the water, and then attaching it to the raft with rope. As an alternative, you might use mesh pots or net cups to keep the lettuce seeds in position.

3. Prepare and add nutrient solution

Typical nutrition solutions include a well-balanced combination of the essential nutrients needed for the growth of plants. It’s important to pay attention to the suggested nutrient levels for lettuce when adding nutrient solution to a hydroponic lettuce system, as well as any additional recommendations supplied by the manufacturer of your hydroponic nutrient solution. Here are step-by-step guide in adding nutrient solution in growing hydroponic lettuce:

Step 1: Prepare the nutrient for solution

Your hydroponic fertilizer solution’s manufacturer will have supplied reading and following directions. Use measuring cups or a syringe to take the correct dosage of nutritional solution for your system. Some fertilizer solutions are concentrated and should be used after being diluted with water.

Step 2: Mix the nutrient solution

A clean water container should have the measured nutrition solution added to it. To ensure that the nutrients are supplied uniformly, properly combine the nutrition solution with water. As lettuce is sensitive to water quality, it’s essential to utilize pure, contaminant-free water.

Step 3: Fill hydroponic reservoir

Fill up your hydroponic reservoir with the combined fertilizer solution until it is full. Avoid overfilling the reservoir since this might lead to nutrient burn or other problems, such as nutrient solution splashing into the plant leaves.

Step 4: Replace nutrient solution regularly

Over time, nutritional levels in the solution may get reduced as lettuce plants absorb nutrients from it. Depending on the size of your system and the stage of plant growth, you need refill the fertilizer solution in your hydroponic system at regular intervals, usually every 1-2 weeks. By doing this, you can be sure that your plants will always have access to fresh nutrients for strong development.

4. Provide adequate light

It is essential to provide enough light for hydroponically growing lettuce since it is an important part of photosynthesis, the process by which plants turn light into energy to support their development. Here are some guides for lighting hydroponic lettuce appropriately:

1. Choose the Right Light Source

Fluorescent lights, LED lights, and high-intensity discharge (HID) lights are a few examples of artificial light sources that are frequently used in hydroponic systems. Since they can be customized to deliver the precise light spectrum and intensity required for maximum growth, LED lights are typically thought to be the most energy-efficient and effective for hydroponic lettuce.

2. Adjust Light Duration

Lettuce normally needs between 12 and 16 hours of light each day for vegetative development and between 8 and 12 hours for blooming. It’s important to give your lettuce plants the right amount of light for the right amount of time dependent on their stage of growth.

3. Monitor Light Levels

Regularly check the light levels in your hydroponic system and make adjustments as necessary to maintain the ideal lighting conditions for your lettuce plants. Depending on the lettuce type, development stage, and environmental factors, different lettuces may require different amounts of light.

5. Maintain Proper temperature and humidity

For hydroponic lettuce to grow well, the right temperature and humidity conditions must be maintained. Depending on the growth stage and lettuce type, lettuce plants have particular temperature and humidity needs. Here are a few tips for keeping your hydroponic lettuce system at ideal temperatures and humidity levels:


  • The normal ideal temperature range for lettuce growth is between 18 and 24 °C (64 and 75 °F) durig the day and 10 to 16 °C (50 and 61 °F) at night.
  • Use a thermometer to measure the temperature in your hydroponic system on a regular basis and adjust as necessary to keep it within the ideal range.
  • If required, adjust the temperature in your hydroponic system with heaters or fans, especially during cooler or warmer months.


  • For optimum development, lettuce requires a relative humidity (RH) level of between 50 and 70%.
  • Monitor the humidity levels in your hydroponic system with a hygrometer or humidity gauge and make adjustments as necessary.
  • If required, adjust humidity levels with a humidifier or dehumidifier, depending on the climate.

You can optimize your harvests by carefully monitoring and maintaining the right temperature and humidity levels in your hydroponic lettuce system. This will help you to produce the best possible growing conditions for your lettuce plants.

6. Harvest the Lettuce

When the necessary size is reached by the leaves, lettuce may be picked. Cut the leaves off the plant using clean scissors or a sharp knife, keeping the crown intact for future regeneration.

By following the aforementioned step-by-step guide on how to grow lettuce at home in water, you can enjoy a fresh supply of lettuce grown with hydroponics at home. To provide you sustainable living, make Bria Homes “Your Home of Choice”. Bria Homes is one of the top developers of real estate in the Philippines. Affordably priced and within the means of the average Filipino family, Bria Homes provides high-quality house and lot packages and condominiums. To get to know more about Bria Homes, visit their website and Facebook page.

Written by Sheryl Ann Damgo